package models // LendingCoin represents information about a specific coin available for lending. type LendingCoin struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` MaxRedeemQty string `json:"maxRedeemQty"` MinPurchaseQty string `json:"minPurchaseQty"` Precision string `json:"precision"` Rate string `json:"rate"` LoanToPoolRatio string `json:"loanToPoolRatio"` ActualApy string `json:"actualApy"` } // LendingCoinInfoResult represents the list of coins available for lending. type LendingCoinInfoResult struct { List []LendingCoin `json:"list"` } // DepositFund represents the status of a deposit into a lending product. type DepositFund struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime"` OrderId string `json:"orderId"` Quantity string `json:"quantity"` SerialNo string `json:"serialNo"` Status string `json:"status"` UpdatedTime string `json:"updatedTime"` } // RedeemFund represents the status of a redemption request from a lending product. type RedeemFund struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime"` OrderId string `json:"orderId"` PrincipalQty string `json:"principalQty"` SerialNo string `json:"serialNo"` Status string `json:"status"` UpdatedTime string `json:"updatedTime"` } // CancelRedeemFund represents the status of a cancelled redemption request from a lending product. type CancelRedeemFund struct { OrderId string `json:"orderId"` SerialNo string `json:"serialNo"` UpdatedTime string `json:"updatedTime"` } // LendingOrderRecord represents an individual lending order record. type LendingOrderRecord struct { Coin string `json:"coin"` CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime"` OrderId string `json:"orderId"` Quantity string `json:"quantity"` SerialNo string `json:"serialNo"` Status string `json:"status"` UpdatedTime string `json:"updatedTime"` } // LendingOrdersRecordsResult represents the result of a query for lending order records. type LendingOrdersRecordsResult struct { List []LendingOrderRecord `json:"list"` }